Un Destination Wedding Indiano e Intimo in Italia. In Toscana, Lucca. Indian Destination Wedding In Italy. An Intimate Wedding In Tuscany

Un Destination Wedding Internazionale. Dagli Stati Uniti e dall’India fino a Lucca, in Toscana. Italia.

An International Destination Wedding. From the United States and India to Lucca, in Tuscany, Italy.

Bride and groom driving an old red Alfa Romeo in Tuscany, looking at the sunset

Noi di Studio Nove100 crediamo che ogni storia sia unica. Lo crediamo fermamente. Però esistono storie che sono ancora più particolari. Quando mondi e culture diverse si incontrano, nascono racconti meravigliosi. Impagabili. Questo è il caso del matrimonio di Neha e Connor.

Hanno scelto la Toscana, Lucca nello specifico, e un matrimonio intimo, con meno di 30 ospiti. Solo gli amici più stretti. e i parenti più significativi. Si tratta di una scelta significativa, importante. Se l’essenziale è invisibile agli occhi, ed è solo il cuore che ci può indicare la strada, è chiaro che le persone più significative sono quelle che contano davvero nel giorno in cui si celebra un legame affettivo così importante. Scegliere di avere pochi invitati, quindi, non è una rinuncia, ma una scelta ben precisa. Quella di valorizzare al massimo le relazioni più intime e strette, per un evento così personale.

La nostra sfida è cercare di rendere visibile, attraverso la fotografia, quello che è fondamentale: il cuore.


At Studio Nove100, we believe that every story is unique. We firmly believe that. However, there are stories that are even more special. When different worlds and cultures come together, wonderful stories are born. Priceless stories. This is the case of Neha and Connor's wedding.

They chose Tuscany, specifically Lucca, for an intimate wedding with fewer than 30 guests. Only the closest friends and most significant relatives. This is a significant, important choice. If the essential is invisible to the eyes, and it is only the heart that can guide us, it is clear that the most significant people are those who truly matter on the day when such an important emotional bond is celebrated. Choosing to have few guests, then, is not a sacrifice but a deliberate choice. To maximize the value of the most intimate and close relationships for such a personal event.

Our challenge is to try to make visible, through photography, what is fundamental: the heart.

Bride and Groom kissing each other, while guest s around them are taking pictures, screaming and clapping

La Giusta Distanza.

The Right Distance.

Noi di Studio Nove100 crediamo fortemente che sia questa una chiave fondamentale di tutto il lavoro. Trovare la giusta distanza per raccontare una storia. Ogni storia richiede un approccio ed una distanza un po’ a se stante. Bisogna trovare la delicatezza e la sensibilità per capire dove porsi, rispetto alle storie e alle persone, sempre diverse nella loro unicità, per far si di non essere invadenti e allo stesso modo di restare emotivamente connessi con ciò che si sta vivendo. Perché non basta una comprensione razionale del contesto, riteniamo la parte emotiva almeno altrettanto importante.


At Studio Nove100, we strongly believe that this is a fundamental key to all our work. Finding the right distance to tell a story. Every story requires a somewhat unique approach and distance. One must find the delicacy and sensitivity to understand where to position oneself, in relation to the stories and people, always unique in their individuality, to ensure that we are not intrusive but also emotionally connected to what is being experienced. Because a rational understanding of the context is not enough; we believe the emotional aspect is equally important.

Bride looking at her groom while they're reaching the location in Lucca driving an old, red, Alfa Romeo

Due Mondi Diversi Si Incontrano: India E Stati Uniti. E l’Unione Viene Sancita In Italia.

Two Different Worlds Meet: India and the United States. And the Union Is Sealed in Italy.

A proposito di “distanze”, questa storia ci racconta come due mondi apparentemente estremamente diversi tra loro possano incontrarsi in maniera assolutamente casuale e in pochissimo tempo annullare distanze enormi. Neha e Connor hanno costruito un rapporto meraviglioso, intimo e assolutamente armonioso. Le distanze che possono apparire enormi, culturalmente e socialmente parlando, in realtà sono sempre una ricchezza enorme, gigantesca. Questo purché tutti gli elementi in gioco svolgano un lavoro attivo di “tendere” verso l’altro e di voler capire e conoscere l’altro. Questa è una ricchezze infinita, segno inequivocabile della meravigliosa bellezza dell’umanità. Non diamo mai per scontate le meraviglie che abbiamo intorno a noi.


Speaking of "distances," this story tells us how two seemingly extremely different worlds can meet in an absolutely casual way and in a very short time erase enormous distances. Neha and Connor have built a wonderful, intimate, and absolutely harmonious relationship. The distances that may appear enormous, culturally and socially speaking, are actually always an enormous, gigantic richness. This is as long as all the elements involved actively work to "reach out" to each other and to want to understand and know each other. This is an infinite richness, an unequivocal sign of the wonderful beauty of humanity. We never take for granted the wonders that surround us.

Da questo punto di vista sono una meraviglia i riti indiani ed il loro convivere con riti civili e occidentali.


In questi 3 giorni di festa, balli, divertimento, amore, amicizie, diverse culture, riti e tradizioni si sono fuse in un continuo assolutamente meraviglioso. Vestiti e colori straordinari, insieme a musiche diametralmente opposte tra loro si fondevano in uno spazio tempo che pareva assolutamente magico, nel contesto delle colline toscane. Dal rito dell’ henné, passando per il rito del Baraat per finire ai vari riti durante la cerimonia vera e propria, è un’immersione unica in una cultura millenaria di un continente meraviglioso. Ed ancora più straordinario è vedere come si vivono queste contrazioni culturali, venendo da mondi completamente diversi. Emozionante.


Over these 3 days of celebration, dancing, fun, love, friendships, different cultures, rites, and traditions merged into an absolutely marvelous continuum. Extraordinary clothes and colors, along with diametrically opposed music, blended into a space-time that seemed absolutely magical, within the context of the Tuscan hills. From the henna ceremony, through the Baraat ritual, to the various rites during the actual ceremony, it's a unique immersion into the millennia-old culture of a wonderful continent. And even more extraordinary is to see how these cultural contrasts are experienced, coming from completely different worlds. Exciting.

Una Sobria Eleganza. L’ Immenso Fascino Della Semplicità.

A Subtle Elegance. The Immense Charm of Simplicity.

Un ringraziamento speciale, oltre a tutti i parenti, amici e naturalmente agli stessi Neha e Connor va a Best Indian Weddings Italy e al suo staff. Per come ha capito e interpretato l’evento, allestendo in maniera semplice, funzionale, elegante e meraviglioso la bellissima villa nei pressi di Lucca.


Noi di Studio Nove100 crediamo fortemente in un discorso autoriale. Per questo la scelta del secondo fotografo è assolutamente fondamentale per la riuscita di un racconto che abbia delle pretese di un determinato livello espressivo e artistico. Ringraziamo nell’occasione Francesco Garufi.


Special thanks, in addition to all the relatives, friends, and of course Neha and Connor themselves, go to Best Indian Weddings Italy and its staff. For understanding and interpreting the event, setting up the beautiful villa near Lucca in a simple, functional, elegant, and wonderful way.


At Studio Nove100, we strongly believe in an authorial discourse. For this reason, the choice of the second photographer is absolutely crucial for the success of a narrative that aims for a certain level of expressive and artistic quality. We thank Francesco Garufi on this occasion.

Groom and bride watching the sunset from a hill above Lucca, Tuscany.
Groom and bride just arrived at the Tuscan location where they will celebrate their wedding. In black and white.
The bride looks at herself in surprise in the mirror during her preparations, in black and white. Henna is visible on one hand. Black and white photo.
The Bride's getting ready
The parent's getting ready
The makeup artist prepares the bride
The groom's father helps his son get ready for the wedding ceremony. Black and white photo.
The bride prepares the speech to thank her sister, during her preparation and makeup. Black and white photo.
The artist finishes the henna ritual on the bride
The makeup artist finishes the henna ritual on the bride's foot
The bride thinks about how to finish her speech to the groom as she finishes getting ready
A very natural and emotional black and white portrait of the bride and groom
The bride gazes at herself in the mirror, having just put on her beautiful dress for the ceremony.
The bride and groom embrace, smiling, in a black and white portrait photo.
A detail of the wedding setup.
The setup of the altar and guest seating for the Indian wedding in the hills around Lucca.
Floral arrangement on the imperial table.
Imperial table, lights, and floral arrangement for the wedding.
Imperial table, lights, and floral arrangement for the wedding.at blue hour on Tuscany hill above Lucca.
The Indian ceremony begins with the groom and guests arriving at the altar on the hill overlooking Lucca
The rituals of the Indian wedding ceremony begin, featuring the groom.
The bride and groom exchange a garland of flowers.
The bride's mother whispers something in her ear while the bride holds the groom's hand.
The bride and groom, hand in hand, complete one of the rituals of the ceremony together around the fire.
Group portrait at the end of the ceremony.
The bride and groom smile at each other, embracing after getting married at sunset.
An informal and colorful setup for the imperial wedding table. Very colorful flowers and warm lights
The bride and groom play a game, answering questions from the guests, next to the dinner table with all the guests
The groom's father and mother give a speech at dinner.
The father and his son, the groom, embrace at the end of the father's speech
The bride, groom, and guests toast at the end of the first evening of the destination wedding in Italy.
The bride and groom arrive at the wedding dinner, surrounded by guests embracing them with affection and sparklers. Black and white photo.
The bride's father gives a speech at the wedding dinner.
The bride and groom listen to the speeches while seated at the imperial table. Black and white photo.
The bride and groom have their first dance in front of guests seated at the imperial table, during the blue hour, under the warm lights of the setup.
The bride and groom have their first dance in front of guests seated at the imperial table, during the blue hour, under the warm lights of the setup.
The groom lifts the bride in his arms during their first dance in front of guests seated at the imperial table. She smiles brightly, happy. The blue hour and the warm lights of the setup create a beautiful contrast.
The bride and groom pop the champagne, the cork flies away, the bride smiling behind the cake alongside the groom.
The bride and groom kiss after cutting the cake and toasting. In the background, the blurred lights of Lucca.
The groom whispers something in the bride's ear while they are in the red Alfa Spider, arriving at the wedding location.
The groom whispers something in the bride's ear while they are in the red Alfa Spider, arriving at the wedding location.

Attrezzatura \ Equipment

Leica M11

Leica SL2-S

Leica Q2 Monochrom

Voigtlander 35 f1.2 Mark3, Voigtlander 50 f1.2, Voigtlander 28 f2, Voigtlander 75 f1.5

Profoto A1X